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2020-05-06 19:07

1)“冰淇淋” 村怪 僻历险记

主持人王沺裁第一次被“流放 ”到某个偏远的奇 怪村落。且别说全 部村 落连一台电话都没有,连房子都古怪 僻怪,长得像 ——冰淇淋!为什么他们被房子建成这等怪模样?而且还老老少少几十个人挤挤住在一起?这趟旅程不但没有冰淇淋可以慰 问,沺裁还得亲眼见证村里人人爱 好的皮鞭暴力!村里人很少跟外界交 往,更奇 异的是他们越是见血就越开心,怎么会这样?这处 所风 气这么怪异,万一状 态产 生又呼救无门,沺裁要怎么待下去?

1) Adventures in the "Ice-cream Village"

Our host Thomas Ong has never been "exiled" to such a strange village. There are neither phones nor cellular signal within reach, and even the houses look weird, they are shaped like… ice cream! But why are they built this way? Why do different generations of people live together in squeezed spaces? Alas, there is no ice cream to comfort Thomas for making it here, but on top of that he has to witness the eccentric celebration of frenzied whipping! It seems the villagers are not keen to contact the outside world, but why the lust for blood and pain? Stuck in such a bizarre – not to mention isolated village, how could Thomas find help if things go wrong?


夸 大的打 扮、神秘的花 招、搞怪的性 情 ——王沺裁底 本对小丑避而远之,可是”行李箱”竟把他交给了一群小丑,还要他向他们拜师学艺!这群小丑非比寻常,他们是慈善小丑,专门把欢 喜和关 心送给须 要辅 助的人。有些人因病痛住院,有些年老体弱,他们怎么可能开怀大笑?笑一笑,难道就能解决问题吗?小丑课会不会让王沺裁出尽洋相,形象全毁,变成大家的笑柄?有人说 “欢笑是最佳良药”,沺裁这趟将亲身 材验这句话的含义,他对快 活,对关 心别人,从此将感受不同。

2) Clown Therapy

Exaggerated costumes, mysterious tricks, and waggish personalities, Thomas Ong had always avoided clowns, but on this trip, “LUGGAGE” takes him to apprentice right under such a group. But not just any group of clowns, they are charity clowns, clowns who deliver joy and care to people in need. But how could you make someone laugh heartily when weak from illness or old age? Can laughter solve anything at all? Will Thomas’ class in clowning ruin his image and make a fool and laughing stock of himself? On this trip, our host gains first-hand experience on the saying “Laughter is the best medicine”, opening up a new understanding towards happiness and caring for others.


韩剧名:《没有名字的女人》外文名: ;无名女;Unknown Woman导演:金明旭 编剧:文恩雅 主演:吴智恩,裴宗玉,朴允载,...[详细]
